Petra Kolber Happy Hour Call

Episode 57: Friday Five With Maureen Hagan



"It's Never Too Late To Become A Better Version Of Yourself" Mo Hagan Mo talks about the importance of knowing her why and it is her why that keeps her inspired day after day, month after month year after year. I believe that passion keeps our inspiration tank full and that our passion and our why do not need to be monumental to make a huge difference in our life, and in the lives of those we serve. What is your why? Have you spent the time recently to connect with your values, your passions and the things that fuel your dreams. Perhaps your passion and why comes through your family, your work or by helping others. I invite you to spend some time this weekend asking yourself what fuels your tank of inspiration – and what ever that is make sure to carve out the room for it to flow into your life. How healthy are your workouts? Mo talked about the realization that as much as she encouraged others to take the time to listen to their body that she had ignored the signs of arthritis in her hips. We all know the i