Petra Kolber Happy Hour Call

Episode 62: Dr. Kerry Burnight on Living and Aging Brilliantly



"To Age Brilliantly Diversify Your Social Portfolio" Dr. Kerry Burnight This interview is one that we all need to listen to. Whether you are in the early stages of contemplating how you want to live your life as you move into your second stage, or whether you have a parents who are now in their later years, Dr. Kerry Burnight discusses many of the important topics that often go unaddressed due to our faulty relationship with aging. A big ah ha moment for Dr. Burnight was when she asked a group of fourth graders "what happens to us when we get older?" and the response was "you get ugly." Recognizing that there was much work to do, Dr. Burnight has made it her mission to redefine what aging looks and feels like. Dr. Kerry likes the term pro-aging, as anti-aging sets the tone for us holding onto the past. She encourages us to age brilliantly, beautifully and on our own terms. It is when we can accept and be thankful for what is versus what was, that the beauty opens up. Aging well is about being the best you tha