Authors Access

Jamie Saloff - Six Rules That Will Kickstart Your Book Website into Full Gear



On Feb 4th 2010 Irene Watson and Victor R. Volkman spoke with web media and book publicist expert Jamie Saloff on common pitfalls of author/book websites and simple, easy, and inexpensive ways to get more conversions from your web hits into book sales.  Jamie is the site owner for an author-helping-author website designed to help authors gain visibility for their books. She also maintains several other sites she built and designed, including the site for Pennwriters, a regional multi-genre writers organization, where she is the Web Committee Chair.  In this wide-ranging discussion, some key talking points included: What are the high real estate values and high productivity areas of your website? How does art direct the eye and how can I use it to my advantage? Why are color and lighting important? How is reading a website different from reading a magazine or book? How does my website reflect who I am and why it is important? How to use multi