Cross Encounters

Houston Subpoenas Church Sermons: Government Turns on the Church



On this week's program, Chris will interview Paul Taylor, recently appointed Director of the Seven Wonders Creation Museum in Washington State.  They will discuss Paul's new position at the museum, presuppositional apologetics and the proper use of evidence in evangelism and apologetics.  Additionally, the mayor of Houston, TX has made an unprecedented move in her effort to subpoena the sermons of local area pastors who opposed the institution of the recent HERO ordinace, which would allow men to use the ladies room and vice versa.  The mayor is seeking evidence that the pastors have preached against the ordiance from the pulpit.  Chris and Rich will discuss the implications of this action and what Christians should expect for the future.  These topics as well as Christians fear to sometimes pray, and our propensity to argue on social media will make for an interesting episode!  Tell your friends and tune in!