Star Wars Battlefront Podcast

New George Lucas Series??? Star Wars Theory



George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars, has had a love for TV Shows for years, but what would happen if that became a reality? And whatever happened to Skeleton Crew? We have some details! George Lucas is Returning to Star Wars? “I think he’s coming back, you know, I’m pretty sure now that he’s doing a series,” he told YouTuber Star Wars Theory. “I think that they’re now bringing him into the fold. From what I hear, ’cause there’s a Star Wars live-action series coming.“ To clarify, this is just a rumor for now. However, considering Christian’s links to both Lucasfilm and Lucas himself, it’s interesting that he’s so confident about Lucas’ return. It will 90% never happen, but what would we like to see if this actually did happen? So What Happened to Skeleton Crew? Overview of the show so far “It’s so great. I don’t even have kids, but I’d pay to see this. I loved it. I loved being on it. There was something about it that was so innocent and playful and lovely. People say don’t work with kids or animals, bu