English in Brazil Podcasts

Way Ahead | Episode 126 - Twenty Idioms to Boost your Conversation



In this episode, teacher Fabio Emerim teaches you 20 idiomatic expressions that will add that special touch to your conversation.The idioms in this episode are: 1. Bite the bullet: • Meaning: To endure a painful or difficult situation with courage. • Example: "I have to bite the bullet and tell my boss that I'm resigning." 2. Break the ice: • Meaning: To initiate a conversation in a social setting, especially to relieve tension or awkwardness. • Example: "I tried to break the ice at the party by telling a funny joke." 3. Burn the midnight oil: • Meaning: To work late into the night or early morning hours. • Example: "I had to burn the midnight oil to meet the deadline for the project." 4. Cut to the chase: • Meaning: To get to the main point without unnecessary details. • Example: "Let's cut to the chase and discuss the budget for the upcoming event." 5. Hit the nail on the head: • Meaning: To describe exactly what is causing a situation or problem. • Example: &