Reformation Orthodox Presbyterian Church

The Mortification of Boasting



Paul, having provided a robust case for the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and its necessity in being reconciled to the Creator of all mankind, having leveled the playing field with regards to the acceptability of our efforts to answer for our sin and rejection of the Lord, he turns to apply the Gospel to one's opinion of himself in light of the grace of God, and in light of the inability of our own flesh. Faith, is that which is the alone instrument of justification, and that lively resting upon nothing except the Righteousness of Christ, that is His sacrificial death which atones for the sins of men. Paul sought to move men, to shove out of a state of self-righteous stupor, of rebellion, and pride and the only way this can happen is through a rhetoric that leaves us cold with regard to our own abilities, and warmed to the offer of Divine help and salvation.