Reformation Orthodox Presbyterian Church

Ours Redeemer Sings Over Us



All the world is infused with the mighty, sweet, life-giving word of God, as He spoke and through the Word of His power He made all that is seen and unseen. Creation is filled down to every last atom and up to every nebula with the beautiful artistry of the Lord who is Himself the source of all wisdom and splendor. The world and all that has been made owes its majesty to the One who created, and in the same way the redeemed owe their lives to the One who redeemed them, and it is incumbent upon us to read and take in the accounts in Scripture where the glory of this redeeming work is captured in the words that move our hearts and so too our mouths to worship, to express gratitude, to rejoice in the Lord our Maker and Redeemer, even as He rejoices over us. Because the Lord rejoices in redemption and restoration we are brought near and can hear His voice as delights in those whom He has saved.