Reformation Orthodox Presbyterian Church

The Day of Judgment and Purification



This Sunday evening we come up the very edge of the end of this terrifying and glorious prophecy which the Lord pronounced against Jerusalem and the nations through His man, Zephaniah. What we come to is a woe or word of condemnation against Jerusalem, that once glorious city of God, who had become a place filled not with worshippers but idolaters and apostates. Whether high or low born the people, as a corporate body no longer feared or honored the Lord, nor did they seek to keep covenant in the manner God had commanded. Those whom God had sent to provoked the fear of the Lord, did not fear the Lord, themselves. Though Israel was unfaithful, God would not leave them, but from a place of intimacy judge, and inevitably redeem and restore the meek of the land. This picture of restoration is seen not only in the return under Ezra and Nehemiah, but is emblematic of the great restoration that would take place when all the nations come to Christ upon the occasion of the destruction of the Temple in 70AD and the flo