Reformation Orthodox Presbyterian Church

Once Again for Those in the Back



If there is any solution to the problem of pride it men, it is the assaulting of it with the many blows that Scripture provides in order to eradicate in our hearts any feeling or sense of our own worthiness before God, meriting in ourselves anything other than a sentence of -guilty.- For that is what we are - guilty before God, and if we are to know the Gospel, believe the Gospel, and be saved by the Gospel, we must lay hold of the true Gospel and not some wretched facsimile of it which perverts and condemns rather than delivers our souls from death. We cannot then move too quickly on, save we miss the sting of the laws condemnation before we feel the relief which Christ's blood and righteousness brings to wretched sinners such as ourselves. --This Sunday my thrust is to show in great granular detail how men display their lack of understanding, their wandering ways, their fallen nature, and their wickedness and rebellion at every level. Let us then dig a bit deeper into the nature of our sinfulness body and s