Idiot's Array: A Star Wars Podcast

Episode 1: Beginner’s Luck



… “He’s a card player, gambler, scoundrel. You’d like him.” – Han Solo Hello, what do we have here? Please, we’d be honored if you’d join us for a game of Sabacc. First time, you say? Ah … beginner’s luck. Or perhaps, Lando will be kind enough to spare some of that so called … ‘Lady Luck’ he calls charm, with all of us. In today’s deck, our dealers: Alan, Ryder, and Mark up their antes before anyone can bluff by calling out a canonical hand and laying it all out on the table; NO-HOLDS-BARRED. Anything goes, from the Expanded Universe, to the now/new Legends, and everything in between. After all, House Rules and these guys call the shots. In closing, they follow up with a winning hand by paying homage to STAR WARS month and the 38th anniversary of the original movie that started it all, STAR WARS: A New Hope.