Reformation Orthodox Presbyterian Church

Boasting that Leads to Blasphemy



The Jewish people, the holy nation of God, the chosen family expressed in the Old Testament as a nation apart from all other nations in that they had received the privilege and prerogative of God's covenant favor. It is to this people that Paul focuses his address as he speaks of the unique aggravation of their offense against God if they fail to do or obey what was in accord with God's teaching. Paul further elaborates the point that the gifts that God had given to the Jews, do not justify them, but rather serve to show the depth of their own rebellion, as they who had been given much did so little with it. Truly, if a man be not changed by the grace of God, that leads to justification, there are no amount of gifts that can make up for the lack. It is not in receiving the law that we are justified, but in the keeping of it.