Reformation Orthodox Presbyterian Church

Woe and Redemption: Introductions



Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah - why these prophets and why now-- I hope that by way of introduction and through the course of this opening sermon that I might provide some measure of insight and clarity as to why the messages of these prophets is so invaluable and needed for us today, standing at the brink, at that gapping maw of ruin and desolation that is the fruit of those choices made by men who refuse to submit to and abide by the timeless, universal, and glorious law of God. --We must know what day it is. We see the moral decay happening around us. The intolerance of the Word and of truth. Setting aside the distinction of Israel as a nation, unique in history, all men must know what is happening and why as it relates to covenant curses, who those come from, and how deliverance from Divine wrath can be had despite such present darkness. The call comes to us, even now, repent that God might show mercy and restore us in the way of light and life.