Reformation Orthodox Presbyterian Church

Wise Fools



As it relates to the nature of man's bold-faced rebellion against the clear revelation of God's wrath against sin, Calvin succinctly puts forth to us the rub, as it were, -The arrogance then which is condemned here is this - that men sought to be of themselves wise, and to draw God down to a level with their own low condition, when they ought humbly to have given him his own glory.- -Romans, Calvin- From this exchanging of false for true religion, every man confesses by his own actions and intentions that he is the primary arbiter in what is true and false, what is good and what is evil, what is wise and what is folly. This Sunday what we will uncover and examine is the way in which sinful men respond to the wrath of God, and God's response to their high-handed rebellion, in giving them over to the very things they ask for in their rebellion.