Christ Is King Baptist Church

God Is Not Like You



- vv.1-4- Israel's privileged past- -- God loved and adopted Israel, rescuing them from degradation and deprivation in Egypt.- -- Despite how much God did and provided for Israel, they constantly turned to idols.--- vv. 5-7- Israel rejected God, so God will reject Israel- -- God gave Israel up to Assyria -the worst news possible because of how evil they were-, who decimated the ten northern tribes.- -- God continues to provide through creation, but the world attributes it to natural, impersonal forces.--- vv. 8-9- God's care, God's nature- -- Admah and Zeboiim were two cities destroyed along with Sodom and Gomorrah, never to be rebuilt- ---Israel knew better and had even done WORSE than those cities, but God can't bring Himself to utterly destroy them.- --- We struggle to forgive, BUT GOD IS NOT LIKE US.- -- God says -I'm not you- I'm not done with you,- despite the judgment Israel had earned.--- vv. 10-11- God condescends to dwell with us- -- Matthew applies Hosea 11-1 to Jesus.- -- Not only does God not jud