The Pleasure Zone ~ Milica Jelenic

Integrating Faith & Sex With Guest Matthew Brackett



The Pleasure Zone with Milica Jelenic - Diamond Host Have you ever wondered how faith & sex can be integrated? Has your faith shut down your sex life? Have you used your faith as an excuse to not have a sex life? Unveiling some of the misunderstandings about faith & sex. Topics include: What is faith? Some religious perspectives on sex Theology of the body Join Milica Jelenic, Sex & Intimacy Coach, Holistic Health Practitioner and Matthew Brackett to find out more about "Integrating Faith & Sex " on this episode of The Pleasure Zone. Matthew has 30+ years of experience in the field of education and development of the human person in personal and professional leadership. Thriving in cross-cultural organizations and environments, trilingual, Matthew has enjoyed broad international and intercultural experience in leadership, educational and consulting roles in Italy, Ireland, England, Colombia, Chile, and Mexico as well as having been a special Staff Officer and Chaplain in the United States Navy serving both wi