The Kathleen Riessen Show

Design Your Customer Experience ~ Guest Expert Laura Hand



Profit Launch With Kathleen Riessen  Intentionally designing your UX (user experience) results in higher revenue, increased customer loyalty and higher ticket prices. Guest expert Laura Hand is joining us to discuss user experience so we can learn how we can intentionally design a journey map for our customers. Laura Hand Bio: There has been a shift in our culture. It goes by many names such as essentialism, minimalism or being untamed. Its meaning is manifested in different ways. For me it’s been a time of minimizing outside influences to look inside and see what is essential to me. Although I had an amazing position, career, team. I decided to leave my executive-level marketing job of 16 years. I wanted to realign my focus to the cannabis industry to honor my family. The loss of my brother to a drug-related heart attack and my father to brain cancer has forever shaped my life. I believe that proper education and access to cannabis would have changed their outcome. That's why I created Laura Loo Experience D