Solar Energy Show

DIY Home Electrification Measures



On this week’s show we’re talking about the first steps toward your home electrification project. What I call the Low Hanging Fruit. These are easy and cheap energy efficiency measures — most of which you can do yourself (DIY) or do not require any special contractors. Many people recommend starting with an energy audit of your home. However, unless you're working with a local energy auditor that knows your local conditions and incentives down to the city level, the standard energy audit recommendations are almost always wrong or out of order. Beware of utility energy audits and recommendations because they almost always ignore energy efficiency measures that cut back on their own revenues — such as installing solar and battery systems. So here are some of the Low Hanging Fruit electrification measures that you can do on a weekend with a trip to your local hardware store: * Replace all of your incandescent and compact fluorescent lightbulbs with LED bulbs * Eliminate Vampire loads in your house * Instal