Doctor Who: The PodKast with a K

S1 Ep12: Remember Abslom Daak?



This week's Kasterborous podKast features a fascinating discussion with Gareth Kavanagh about the second Doctor Who Magazine love-in that is Vworp Vworp! #2! Long-term readers of Kasterborous will recall that the first issue of Vworp Vworp! featured a couple of contributions from this very site, not least in the shape of part 1 of Time Leech, our own Doctor Who comic strip. But Vworp Vworp! was much more than a fanzine with a comic strip in it - rather it was a thing of beauty, with the professional quality design, printing and writing contributing to a pinnacle of fanzine production. In many ways it was like a copy of DWM that is itself about DWM. One of the key characters in the early days of Doctor Who Magazine (back in the Weekly/Monthly days) was Abslom Daak, the insane Dalek killer, and his band of Star Tigers. Daak features heavily in the next issue of Vworp Vworp!, and Gareth Kavanagh tells us a little bit about this and some other features coming up in the magazine. EDITOR'S NOTE: This i