Doctor Who: The PodKast with a K

S2 Ep15: Differences Between RTD and Moffat Doctor Who Eras



In this week's show, we take look at the difference between Russell T Davies and Steven Moffat's approach to Doctor Who. What separates these eras? Taking a week off from the podKast (with a "K"), I was delighted to find that Brian and the other chap (James McLean, who else?) had done such a good job that I'm currently contemplating retirement! After all, what is a chap to do when his two subordinates are getting along very well without him? Sit back, I say, and let them get on with it. This time around, the discussion covers Torchwood scheduling, and some interesting views about the differences and similarities between the Russell T Davies and Steven Moffat Doctor Who eras. Unsurprisingly, you will find nothing at all about Winnie the Pooh, Edgar Rice Burroughs or Voltaire, but of course, this is a Doctor Who podKast (with a "K"), so what do you expect...? Enjoy the show? Remember to leave a review.