Doctor Who: The PodKast with a K

S2 Ep36: Will Harry Potter's David Yates Produce a Doctor Who Movie?



A little later than intended, the latest Kasterborous podKast (with a "K") features Brian Terranova, James McLean and editor Christian Cawley discussing the recent events in the Doctor Who universe, notably the Christmas episode title reveal and trailer from the Children in Need event last week. Of course, we had to have a chat about harry Potter director David Yates' supposed Doctor Who movie project, a topic which we suspect will run and run over the next few months. Whether The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe is a good title or not doesn't really come into it - we're more interested in the inclusion of heavy Christmas trappings for a second time. While Russell T Davies' Doctor Who tended to place Christmas in a more day-to-day context, Steven Moffat seems to place a greater emphasis on the traditional western view of snow, ice, hot fires, dark, creepy rooms, celebration and feast. You can find out just what we think and hope for via this player: