Abounding Grace Church

Purified to Enjoy & Serve God



Purified to Enjoy - Serve God- Zechariah 3---1- ------------- Condition - vv1,3--2- Gracious ----------------- - vv2,4-7--3- Promised --------- bringing permanent ---------- - vv8-10-- ---As our great High Priest, what has Christ accomplished for us-----How is Joshua's experience in this passage a picture of what God does for us in Christ-----What truths do you need to remember when Satan accuses you or your own conscience condemns you-----How does God's grace to us in the Gospel free us to enjoy and serve God----Other passages to consider- -Ex 28-9-11,36-38- Lev 16- Jer 23-5- Rom 3-21-26- 8-33-34- 12-1- Heb 7-22-27- 9-6-14- 10-1-14- Rev 7-13-14.