Reformation Orthodox Presbyterian Church

Your Reward is Coming



The depth of the rebellion and idolatry of Israel is manifestly exhibited here in Revelation, where we find a warning given to a people who have no hope to respond in repentance. In fact the warning, though not expressed in half-hearted fashion is more a full throated condemnation against the city that rejected the Messiah. More than a condemnation we also find the exhortation to those who are righteous to continue to walk in righteousness for God will bring with Him reward, in addition to just desserts. To the obedient a promise of peaceful dwelling, to the rebellious the promise of a life banished to the place where the preserve, the liar, the idolaters dwell - outside. Today if you hear the warning, do not harden your heart, for the day is coming when the sheep and goats, the wheat and tares will be divided for eternity. Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand.