Abounding Grace Church

Disciples Making Disciples



Disciples Making Disciples - Matthew 28-16-20----1- Christ's -------- - The basis for our mission - v18.-- -- --2- Christ's -------- - The content of our mission - vv19-20a.-- -- -- -- --3- Christ's -------- - The encouragement for our mission - v20b.-- -- ---How is the Great Commission rooted in the resurrection -and ascension- of Christ-----What is a disciple-- How can you grow in learning to obey and imitate Christ-----How do we see that the local church is Christ's primary tool for disciple-making-----Who has God put in your life to evangelize and disciple-- Pray for opportunities to bring the Word of God to them.--Other passages to consider- Gen 12-1-3- Ps 67- Mt 1-1- 10-24-25- 16-16-18- Jn 14-16- Acts 2- 2 Cor 3-18- Eph 1-20-23- Phil 2-8-11- Col 1-6-8, 27-29- Rev 7-9-12.