The Pleasure Zone ~ Milica Jelenic



Have you ever noticed that what is pleasing to one body is not necessarily pleasing to all bodies? What if our bodies like to be pleasing and to gift pleasure to others and to receive pleasure? We start out with magical little bodies that turn on everybody. Babies are always having people come up to them and compliment them on their beauty and get really excited to be in their presence. What would the world be like if we stopped judging ourselves, our bodies and others? How much more fun and joy is possible on this planet if we choose to be explorers? Whose ready for an adventure??? Milica Jelenic "Pleasure Do's, Don'ts & Maybe's, List."


  • How To Pleasure A Unicorn


    How do you know if you are a Unicorn? Is pleasuring a Unicorn different than pleasuring other species? What if you are a unicorn and require something totally different for pleasure and didn’t know it? What excites you and keeps you going as a Unicorn? Have you checked out the book, “How To Pleasure a Unicorn?” That’s right, because there isn’t one, yet! So, thrilled to have fellow radio show host, creator of magnitude, and leader and expert on Unicorns, Cory Michelle, on to play with this!

  • Pleasure, Magic and Possibilities ~ Guest ~ Alun Jones


    Is being the magic you truly be part of pleasure? Are there greater possibilities available to you when you be the magic you be and radiate pleasure to the world? Would you and your body like to receive more pleasure, magic and possibilities? So happy to have Alun Jones on!!!

  • Love, Lust and Gratitude ~ Guest Christine McIver


    How do you know if it is love, or lust or gratitude? Which one creates more in relationship with everything? Join Milica Jelenic and her guest Christine McIver this week as they dive into yet another amazing and pleasurable topic that will contribute to you & your life....and possibly even your body. Milica Jelenic is an advocate for possibilities. In her private practice she invites clients to receive who they truly be and to continue to choose more for themselves.  Milica knows that there is something greater for all of us on this planet and plays with bodies to awaken greater possibilities to show up.  Milica’ abilities as an intuitive lend to a session that is personalized for the client. Milica’s keen ability to sense where change is possible and to question what is stuck in the target area creates a very dynamic session that promotes choice, possibility and change.

  • No ~ Milica Jelenic


    When someone says “No” to you, what does it create in your Universe? Do you ever desire receiving a “No”? What if “No” is not a rejection? What if “No” is not creating separation? What if “No” is a choice? When did you stop exercising your NO? Would you like to exercise it more? What if “No” is not a right or wrong?

  • The pleasure of showing up as the total, brilliant, sexy you? Guest – Carol Reinlie


    Do you remember the last time you showed up as the brilliant sexy you? Did you stop buses on the street? Did dogs stop and stare at you? How much pleasure is there in showing up, as the total brilliant, sexy you?  What if you being you, is so sexy it contributes to everything?  Join Carol Reinlie as Guest Host of the Pleasure Zone as we explore “The Pleasure of Showing Up as The Total, Brilliant, Sexy YOU!” Carol Reinlie is an Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator, Marketing Consultant, Coach, Author and Speaker who is passionate about helping entrepreneurs catapult their lives and businesses. She works one-on-one and via her group coaching programs to expand all possibilities. Milica Jelenic is an advocate for possibilities. In her private practice she invites clients to receive who they truly be and to continue to choose more for themselves.  Milica knows that there is something greater for all of us on this planet and plays with bodies to awaken greater possibilities to show up.

  • When I Get That Feeling, I want Sexual Healing ~ Guest Christel Crawford


    Does your body ever have that urge to contribute sexual energy to someone or something? Do you ever have the craving to receive like crazy? Do you ever get that maybe you are not a weirdo in the sack? What if you have capacities that way more unique and awesome then you ever imagined? What if you could facilitate healing in bodies and have a little or a lot of fun to go with it? Hmm, let’s see, I will choose copulation or medicine? Copulation please! What is the gift in having 2 sexual healers together? Milica Jelenic is an advocate for possibilities. In her private practice she invites clients to receive who they truly be and to continue to choose more for themselves.  Milica knows that there is something greater for all of us on this planet and plays with bodies to awaken greater possibilities to show up.  Milica’ abilities as an intuitive lend to a session that is personalized for the client. Milica’s keen ability to sense where change is possible and to question what is stuck in

  • Thank You For The Oral Sex ~ Guest Melanie Clampit


    One of my favorite things to do with my lover is to be grateful. I love being thanked for gifting pleasure, and love to also be grateful for gifting. Now here’s my most fun one, I really enjoy saying “Thank You for allowing me to give you a blow job!” It’s so fun for me, what about you? Do you enjoy gratitude with your lovers?

  • Can Sex Be Peaceful and Calm and Also Fun?


    How many stories have you told or heard about the greatest sex ever being the loudest, sweatiest event ever? What if your body would like to try something different? Is it possible to have delicious, beautiful copulation and be peaceful and calm?

  • Orgasms Every 10 Seconds


    What if you could live your life in 10 second increments? Would you choose orgasmic energy, playful energy, or something else? Do you find that you drift off during copulation, that you have been avoiding being totally present? What if none of that is wrong, and what if you can be present? What if being present is a choice?

  • A Little To The Left Please with Guest Keisha Clark


    If your partner isn’t willing to say it, will you? If you happen to know that going just a little to the left would make all the difference in receiving more pleasure in your play, would you ask for it? If a person isn’t willing to say it out loud, are you willing to ask questions all the time to be the best darn lover ever?  Join Milica and Keisha as they explore - and ask questions about - what else is possible with asking out loud.  How does it get any better than that? Keisha Clark is a Living Weal Empowerment Agent - which includes being an entrepreneur, performing artist, intuitive medium, bodywork professional and energy linguist - with over 20 years of experience in the healing arts and personal development.  Keisha's target in life and in business is to be an invitation to celebrating the different each of us is.  Her work is totally unconventional, often way outside the box, and is all about empowering people to enjoy their bodies, and to be co-creating with their bodies through what Keisha refers t

  • Not Tonight Dear, I Have A Headache


    How many reasons and justifications do you have not to receive? What are you choosing to create with your body that doesn’t allow you to have joy and ease? How many excuses do we create to never have what would contribute to us? And whatever else comes up!

  • Radically Orgasmically Alive; Guest ~ Dr. Lisa Cooney


    Abuse is rampant, contagious and insane on this planet. Did you know that you can even abuse yourself? What if you could choose to go beyond all of that and choose to be Radically, Orgasmically Alive?  Dr. Lisa Cooney speaks from years of experience and training that it is truly possible to create a life beyond abuse.  Dr. Lisa is a super potent, present being, and if you choose to listen to this show you will likely step in the greatness of you more than you could even imagine was possible.

  • Are you “In Love?”


    Are you in love? What does that mean to you, being in love? Who or what are you in love with? Is it love or lust? Do you require being in love with something in order to choose it? Milica Jelenic is an advocate for possibilities. In her private practice she invites clients to receive who they truly be and to continue to choose more for themselves.  Milica knows that there is something greater for all of us on this planet and plays with bodies to awaken greater possibilities to show up.  Milica’ abilities as an intuitive lend to a session that is personalized for the client. Milica’s keen ability to sense where change is possible and to question what is stuck in the target area creates a very dynamic session that promotes choice, possibility and change.

  • What Are You Refusing and Resisting?


    Have you been refusing something for your body, that if you chose it could allow you to have greater ease in your body? Have you been refusing a lover that would be a contribution to your body? What are refusing, and how many points of view do you have in place to make sure you never choose it?

  • Clearing the Issues & Claiming the Gifts of Abortion & Miscarriage


    This is a rather controversial topic that I am so pleased to have been asked to host. Milica Jelenic is an advocate for possibilities. In her private practice she invites clients to receive who they truly be and to continue to choose more for themselves.  Milica knows that there is something greater for all of us on this planet and plays with bodies to awaken greater possibilities to show up.  Milica’ abilities as an intuitive lend to a session that is personalized for the client. Milica’s keen ability to sense where change is possible and to question what is stuck in the target area creates a very dynamic session that promotes choice, possibility and change.

  • Does Size Matter? Milica Jelenic


    Does size matter? I have been asked that candid question a few times lately and if you would like to know what I know about that, come and join me on The Pleasure Zone.  Join the chat room as we delve into this from micro penises to macro penises, and everything in between. And really, ladies does size matter to you, men does size matter to you? What else is possible?  What are you making matter, that is getting in the way of your receiving?

  • Dancing for Dollars with KT


    Consciousness and erotic dancing, what else is possible? What if you could play in taboos areas for most and choose it with awareness? Join KT and I as we delve into Dancing for Dollars and consciousness....where do these worlds meet, and what does that create? Milica Jelenic is an advocate for possibilities. In her private practice she invites clients to receive who they truly be and to continue to choose more for themselves.  Milica knows that there is something greater for all of us on this planet and plays with bodies to awaken greater possibilities to show up.  Milica’ abilities as an intuitive lend to a session that is personalized for the client. Milica’s keen ability to sense where change is possible and to question what is stuck in the target area creates a very dynamic session that promotes choice, possibility and change.

  • What to Expect When You are Projecting


    What do projections, expectations, judgments, rejections and separations do to your pleasure zone? Without them does your zone go away? With them to do you feel more like you? What else is possible with allowing for greater ease and joy in relationships and your sex life?

  • What’s your Power Play? with Milica Jelenic


    Do you often try and make yourself smaller than to get what you desire, is that working for you? OR do you try and make yourself more significant than your lover? Join Milica Jelenic on this fascinating subject to see what can change in your relationships right away.

  • The Potency Of The Yoni & Jade Egg with Guest Kim Coleman


    Did you know that your Yoni is a creation master and is incredibly potent? Your Yoni can have increased potency using some simple tools and tips that will be explained to you by Kim Coleman in this episode of the Pleasure Zone. Kim Coleman is a healer who uses many modalities in her work. Kim's personal journey with the Jade Egg has brought her immense awareness and  increased potency in her Yoni.   To find out more about "The Potency Of The Yoni & Jade Egg" join Milica Jelenic and Guest Kim Coleman on this episode of The Pleasure Zone. Milica Jelenic is an advocate for possibilities. In her private practice she invites clients to receive who they truly be and to continue to choose more for themselves.  Milica knows that there is something greater for all of us on this planet and plays with bodies to awaken greater possibilities to show up.  Milica’ abilities as an intuitive lend to a session that is personalized for the client. Milica’s keen ability to sense where change is possible and to question what is s

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