Nights Of Our Lives
- Autor: Vários
- Narrador: Vários
- Editora: Podcast
- Duração: 46:46:25
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The best of the best comedians and writers in New York get together at the end of every month to share their wild and crazy stories based on a new theme each show.
29/06/2021 Duração: 01h16min"For this month, the Nights storytellers delve into the treacherous realm of dads and discover…hey, some dads can be pretty good after all. We have dads who sit in four hours of fog to try and glimpse the Man in the Mountains, dads who toss you their sandals on the burning dunes of Michigan, and dads who always supported you even if they didn’t always agree with your methods. Here’s to you having one of these dads. Jim O’Grady ( Katie Rivard (provided by Katie Rivard) Adam Wade ( 00:00 - Intro 00:26 - David Martin and panel 13:45 - Jim O'Grady 26:02 - David Martin and panel 28:23 - Katie Rivard 40:44 - David Martin and panel 46:44 - Adam Wade 61:56 - David Martin and panel 76:05 - Outro 76:30 - Finish "
Worst Roommates
25/05/2021 Duração: 01h14min"It’s difficult enough living with yourself! Imagine compounding that by living with other people! It can only be awful and the storytellers gathered for this month have lived the nightmare: from roommates who use your bed, to roommates who stay up way past your 9pm bedtime our storytellers have endured the worst of the worst. Come and commiserate! Maggie Maxwell Adam Wade 00:00 - Intro 00:26 - David Martin and panel 18:16 - Maggie Maxwell 32:36 - David Martin and panel 35:40 - David Martin & His Mom 53:53 - Adam Wade 66:16 - David Martin and panel 73:44 - Outro 74:09 - Finish "
27/04/2021 Duração: 01h07min"We here at Nights of Our Lives are a passionate crew. Really we are. Our curfew is now 11:30pm! Not on school nights of course. We’ve also had crushes on boys who grew up to be famous tv stars and we’ve even managed to pick up a girl at a bar, once. Has your pulse stopped pounding?? Tune in this month to hear these and other barely safe for kindergarten tales of passion! Katie Rivard (provided by Katie Rivard) Will Clegg ( Adam Wade ( 00:00 - Intro 00:26 - David Martin and panel 14:36 - Katie Rivard 27:13 - David Martin and panel 31:06 - Will Clegg 41:11 - David Martin and panel 44:43 - Adam Wade 57:31 - David Martin and panel 67:25 - Outro 67:50 - Finish "
15th Anniversary Show
23/03/2021 Duração: 01h12min"Somehow we’ve been telling stories for fifteen years now. Don’t ask us where the time went, we don’t know. But for our fifteenth anniversary we’ve gathered a trio of our favorite storytellers and we asked them to tell their favorite stories. Watch out for dead fish, aspiring models, and high school boners. You’ve been warned. Most importantly, thank you for listening all these years. Here’s to fifteen more. Katie Rivard (provided by Katie Rivard) Matt Dennie ( Adam Wade ( 00:00 - Intro 00:27 - David Martin and panel 17:28 - Matt Dennie 29:15 - David Martin and panel 33:48 - Katie Rivard 45:31 - David Martin and panel 48:26 - Adam Wade 60:37 - David Martin and panel 72:12 - Outro 72:38 - Finish "
23/02/2021 Duração: 01h04min"We don’t love snow but we do love love. At least that’s what we claim during our round-table discussion. We hope, you love this month’s show, since our theme is, well, love. We explore love in all its facets: near death experiences, Humvees, and “the one who got away.” Here’s looking at you, kid. Will Clegg ( Maggie Maxwell ( Jim O’Grady ( 00:00 - Intro 00:26 - David Martin and panel 14:10 - Will Clegg 24:21 - David Martin and panel 26:30 - Maggie Maxwell 41:15 - David Martin and panel 43:30 - Jim O’Grady 55:18 - David Martin and panel 64:18 - Outro 64:44 - Finish "
26/01/2021 Duração: 01h01min"Did you ever achieve sports glory? Me neither. So live vicariously through our performers this month as they regale us with such past triumphs as getting promoted to assistant bat boy, coaching a losing youth volleyball team, and pooping in a McDonald’s bag to get back at a crosstown rival. We only find the classiest storytellers for you! Katie Rivard (provided by Katie Rivard) Brendan Goggins ( Adam Wade ( 00:00 - Intro 00:27 - David Martin with Panel 13:22 - Katie Rivard as Storyteller 23:33 - David Martin with Panel 25:44 - Brendan Goggins as Storyteller 33:56 - David Martin with Panel 39:08 - Adam Wade as Storyteller 49:29 - David Martin with Panel 61:06 - Outro 61:40 - Finish "
Best Presents
22/12/2020 Duração: 01h09min"It’s the holiday season and that can mean only one thing: yours truly complaining about snow and joy. And also presents. Presents are always good. Our storytellers end the year by sharing stories of their Best Presents: whether it be a mother’s kick in the pants, a family car, or a Cabbage Patch Doll named Debbie. We all hope you have a wonderful holiday season! See you next year! Jim O’Grady (@jimog) Katie Rivard (provided by Katie Rivard) Adam Wade ( 00:00 - Intro 00:26 - David Martin with Panel 17:02 - Jim O’Grady as Storyteller 28:17 - David Martin with Panel 30:39 - Katie Rivard as Storyteller 40:10 - David Martin with Panel 42:21 - Adam Wade as Storyteller 57:29 - David Martin with Panel 68:40 - Outro 69:06 - Finish "
24/11/2020 Duração: 58min"We discuss all things Thanksgiving food in this month’s show, with yours truly—the host—decreeing that mashed potatoes should never ever be made with their skins on. Upon this I shall not waver. And with that we wish everyone a safe and healthy Thanksgiving! Content Warning: Piera Gelardi's story discusses miscarriage. (photo by Erin Yamagata - Katie Rivard (provided by Katie Rivard) Adam Wade ( 00:00 - Intro 00:26 - David Martin and panel 14:25 - Piera Gelardi 20:24 - David Martin 21:09 - Katie Rivard 30:19 - David Martin and Katie Rivard 36:19 - Adam Wade 47:44 - David Martin and Adam Wade 57:57 - Outro 58:22 - Finish "
03/11/2020 Duração: 01h02min"What scares you? Is it the sweetly sick taste of candy corn? Or an obscure peanut butter candy called, enigmatically, Chick-O Stic? Or perhaps it’s just the sight of your face in the mirror every morning (guilty)? Whatever it may be, we guarantee that this month’s stories will terrify you into never listening to this show again!! (Wait, scratch that. They’ll terrify you into listening to this over and over for all of eternity. There, that’s better.) Jim O’Grady (@jimog) Matt Dennie (@mdennie) Adam Wade (@adamwade) 00:00 - Intro 00:26 - David Martin with Panel 15:05 - Matt Dennie as Storyteller 25:16 - David Martin with Panel 27:53 - Jim O’Grady as Storyteller 41:18 - David Martin with Panel 44:03 - Adam Wade as Storyteller 55:35 - David Martin with Panel 62:06 - Outro 62:32 - Finish "
Happiest Night
29/09/2020 Duração: 01h01min"We could all use a break from the world. This month’s show promises only Happy Stories—a first for our show we think. From getting engaged to taking dance classes in Tucson to being the lone videographer on a Playboy shoot, happiness sneaks upon you sometimes when you do indeed most expect it. Katie Rivard (provided by Katie Rivard) Grant Bowen ( Will Clegg ( 00:00 - Intro 00:26 - David Martin and panel 16:19 - Katie Rivard 26:30 - David Martin and Katie Rivard 31:26 - Grant Bowen 40:52 - David Martin and Grant Bowen 43:46 - Will Clegg 53:42 - David Martin and Will Clegg 60:46 - Outro 61:12 - Finish "
Back To School
25/08/2020 Duração: 01h04min"As summer winds down we think about the start of school. And although school, this year, will look different, some things never change: like productions of Romeo and Juliet run amok or spring band trips that turn into scenes of a crime or open mic nights that don’t end as disastrously as feared. Tune in and slide back down memory lane as our storytellers this month share their Back to School stories. Katie Rivard (provided by Katie Rivard) Andrew Howley (via Adam Wade ( 00:00 - Intro 00:26 - David Martin with Panel 11:05 - Katie Rivard as Storyteller 21:08 - David Martin with Katie Rivard 23:54 - Andrew Howley and David Martin as Storytellers 47:06 - Adam Wade as Storyteller 58:40 - David Martin with Panel 64:05 - Outro 64:31 - Finish "
28/07/2020 Duração: 37s"What do you get when you reunite three friends after seven years of being apart and toss in the host’s mother? Lots of nostalgia and an airing of grievances How else would you know that it was true friendship? John Flynn ( Adam Wade ( 00:00 - Intro 00:25 - David Martin, Adam Wade, John Flynn 12:48 - David Martin and his mother as co-storytellers 30:37 - John Flynn as storyteller 45:14 - David Martin 45:55 - Adam Wade as storyteller 54:28 - David Martin, Adam Wade, John Flynn 60:12 - Outro 60:37 - Finish "
Summer Vacation
30/06/2020 Duração: 01h01min"Remember summer vacations? Back when life was fun and breezy? Relive those good ole days of mini golf and sunburns with our beach bodied beauties who also double as world class storytellers. Leslie Goshko ( - photo by Mindy Tucker) Katie Rivard (provided by Katie Rivard) Adam Wade ( 00:00 - Intro 00:26 - David Martin, Leslie Goshko, Katie Rivard, Adam Wade 15:04 - Katie Rivard as Storyteller 23:44 - David Martin & Katie Rivard (with panel) 27:51 - Leslie Goshko as Storyteller 39:35 - David Martin & Leslie Goshko (with panel) 43:50 - Adam Wade as Storyteller 54:38 - David Martin & Adam Wade (with panel) 59:11 - David Martin 60:48 - Outro 61:13 - Finish "
Tales of Summer
26/05/2020 Duração: 50min"Even though we’re locked down, we can still open up about summer days gone by. Our fearless host’s mom even stops by! Learn about David’s storied swimming career! Hear about Adam’s summer romance he can’t forget! Indulge Adam and David’s nostalgic ramblings about a show they did five years ago in Vermont! Stay safe and be well. Adam Wade ( 00:00 - Intro 00:27 - David Martin, Meta Martin & Adam Wade 10:00 - David Martin & Adam Wade 11:10 - David Martin as Storyteller 25:12 - David Martin & Adam Wade 30:13 - Adam Wade as Storyteller 40:02 - David Martin & Adam Wade 49:35 - Outro 50:08 - Finish "
Coming Clean
28/04/2020 Duração: 55s"We all know we need to wash our hands these days, but we shouldn’t forget that we also need to wash our consciences from time to time. You listener shall play confessor to our sinful storytellers! Be warned! These are depraved tales of dead goldfish, onerous kennel duties, and impostor basketball players! You’ve been warned! Matt Dennie ( Katie Rivard (provided by Katie Rivard) Adam Wade ( 00:00 - Intro 00:27 - David Martin 07:54 - Panel Discussion 15:56 - Matt Dennie 27:00 - David Martin (with storytellers) 30:25 - Katie Rivard 44:24 - David Martin (with storytellers) 45:46 - Adam Wade 57:08 - David Martin (with storytellers) 60:21 - Outro 60:55 - Finish "
Being Sick
28/03/2020 Duração: 51min"We doubt the theme of this month’s show has anything to do with what’s going on in the world but we don’t doubt that, at some point, we’ve all been sick. Let’s just hope it’s not right now. Join us in revisiting past maladies from a chopped off finger to a completely made-up little boy who has cancer! It’s all funny, we promise. Jim O’Grady Ophira Eisenberg Adam Wade 00:00 - Intro 00:27 - David Martin 06:10 - Panel Discussion 10:48 - Jim O'Grady 22:09 - David Martin (with storytellers) 24:40 - Ophira Eisenberg 33:32 - David Martin (with storytellers) 35:49 - Adam Wade 45:55 - Davide Martin (with storytellers) 51:20 - Outro 51:54 - Finish "
25/02/2020 Duração: 52min"Oh how lucky we are. Especially when compared to the storytellers we rounded up for you this month. From having baby carrots lodged in their throats to being called “Barf” by their wrestling coach to playing pick-up basketball with a man decades older than they—our performers have experienced “luck” in all her wild and wooly permutations. And now you’ll be the lucky ones to hear their stories. Katie Rivard (provided by Katie Rivard) Grant Bowen ( Adam Wade ( 00:00 - Intro 00:27 - David Martin 08:52 - Katie Rivard 19:25 - David Martin 21:01 - Grant Bowen 30:24 - David Martin 31:21 - Adam Wade 43:49 - David Martin 51:29 - Outro 52:03 - Finish "
28/01/2020 Duração: 59min"Would you accept a $100,00 to sleep with a total stranger? (Full disclosure: I absolutely would.) Would you stay in a relationship with someone who repeatedly kissed other people? Would you let an adult beat you in basketball (you’re a kid in this scenario)? Find out the answers to these questions and more (ok maybe not that much more) as we explore the theme of Cheating! Will Clegg ( Leslie Goshko ( (Photo by Mindy-Tucker) Adam Wade ( 00:00 - Intro 00:27 - David Martin 14:31 - Will Clegg 23:30 - David Martin 25:52 - Leslie Goshko 35:48 - David Martin 38:02 - Adam Wade 52:23 - David Martin 58:42 - Outro 59:16 - Finish "
24/12/2019 Duração: 58min"We all know that the true spirit of the holidays lies in the receiving not the giving of the presents. Listen with envy as our storytellers share their presents of love, a purloined television, and the clemency of a small time hood! Jim O’Grady ( Katie Rivard (provided by Katie Rivard) Adam Wade ( 00:00 - Intro 00:27 - David Martin 08:55 - Jim O'Grady 18:04 - David Martin 19:21 - Katie Rivard 29:48 - David Martin 32:50 - Adam Wade 49:58 - David Martin 58:05 - Outro 58:39 - Finish "
26/11/2019 Duração: 57min"We promise no fruitcake. We promise no dry turkey nor drunken uncles nor anonymous cousins. We do promise tales of dental mayhem, solo “Frozen” viewings, and fly fishing in a parking lot. And we do wish all of our listeners a Happy Thanksgiving! Grant Bowen ( Katie Rivard (provided by Katie Rivard) Adam Wade ( 00:00 - Intro 00:27 - David Martin 07:55 - Grant Bowen 16:23 - David Martin 18:07 - Katie Rivard 28:42 - David Martin 31:04 - Adam Wade 51:30 - David Martin 56:38 - Outro 57:12 - Finish "