Bain ( from the mighty Baincast) and his rotating cast of Co-hosts Love movies. In this show Bain tells his co-hosts to watch a movie he likes and The Co-host tells Bain to watch a movie they like. Rate and enjoy.
Duel Of The Fates Episode 6 Far and Away vs woody
01/04/2012 Duração: 01h07minIn this Episode of Duel of the Fates Bain from The Mighty Baincast And Guest Host Janelle Break Down The Woody Allen Classic Everything You Wanted to Know about Sex But were afraid to ask and The Ron Howard Epic Far and Away. and Follow me On twitter @Baincast
Duel of the Fates Ep5 The Red Voilin vs the hill have eyes
01/03/2012 Duração: 01h11minIn this Episode of Duel of the Fates Bain and Shameless Joe From Mancavia podcast Compare and contrast The Red Voilin and the Horror remake The Hill have Eyes. Follow Me on Twitter @baincast and on facebook under baincast and look for the mighty Baincast at www.baincast.
Duel of the Fates Episode 4 Logans Run Vs Stardust
20/02/2012 Duração: 01h04sIn this episode Bain From The Mighty Baincast and guest co-host Janelle Discuss the Classic Movie Logans Run and another movie called Stardust. Follow me on twitter @baincast and Friend me on facebook look for baincast.
Duel of the Fates Ep 3 Fellini Vs. Stallone
08/02/2012 Duração: 01h04minIn this third episode of Duel of the Fates Bain from " The Mighty Baincast" and the Commodore " from "The Mighty Baincast" Compare and Contrast the Classic Fellini's film 8 1/2 and Staying Alive the often overlook sequel to Saturday Night Fever. Thanks for listening rate us and visit Friend Me on Facebook look for "baincast" and follow me on twitter @Baincast
Duel of the Fates Teenwolf Vs. Lotr Fellowship of the Rings
11/01/2012 Duração: 44minIn The Second Episode of Duel of the Fates Maddy Frequent Guest of "The Mighty Baincast "podcast. compares and contrasts Teen wolf and Lord of the rings Fellowship of the Ring. Subscribe on Itunes and Rate us.
Duel of the Fates Episode 1 Oscar Vs Crimes and Misdemeanors
26/11/2011 Duração: 01h05minIn this first Episode Bain and Janellle Discuss the Pros and Cons of Oscar and Crimes and Misdemeanors.