Body Of Christ Radio Network
- Autor: Vários
- Narrador: Vários
- Editora: Podcast
- Duração: 440:51:00
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The Body of Christ teaches true repentance and the keeping of the laws, statutes and commandments of the Bible through Jesus Christ to the 12 Tribes of Israel that are scattered throughout the earth.
Illicit Sex! – The Perverted Scout Master
07/06/2020 Duração: 02h01minThe Boy Scouts’ Motto is Be Prepared! But what could have possibly prepared eleven, twelve and even fifteen year olds for encounters with sexual predators? Especially when the same predators were suppose to teach these children high moral values. There are hundreds of accounts of these sexual molestation cases contained in what is termed the “Perversion Files” or "ineligible volunteer files". According to the Scouts these files were meant to be a “buffer” to prevent the predators from re-entering scouting. Unfortunately there have been numerous failures. After analyzing the files it was determined that in many instances sexual deviants were kicked out of the Scouts only to be allowed back in at a different location and sometimes under a different name. The stories are horrendous! The stories tell in somewhat explicit detail of boys being subjected to nudity, being fondled and raped by their Scout Masters. Keep in mind these are children. Keep in mind the Boy Scouts’ motto, “Be Prepared”. Be prepare
Atheist vs. Archbishop
31/05/2020 Duração: 01h27minProminent Atheist, Richard Dawkins, admitted to God’s existence or at least to a very small chance that God exists. This admission took place in a debate with Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury. This debate was not what was expected of two men deemed to be polar opposites on the existence of God and evolution. Not only did Dawkins give the nod to God’s existence but the Archbishop apparently agreed with evolution. If these two men, who are highly esteemed and notable in their achievements in opposing arenas, can come to agreement, is this an indication that we all may some-day come to similar conclusions? Listen in as the Brothers in The Virtual Living Room discuss God’s existence and evolution.
Mother Allows 5 Year Old Son to Wear Dresses
24/05/2020 Duração: 01h00sInitially she objected, but now the mother of a 5 year old boy has conceded to her son’s desire to wear dresses. Not only has she conceded, but she has written a children’s book in defense of her little boy who wears girls clothing. Please join us in discussion on what led her to this decision and what the scripture says about such behavior.
GQ Magazine Says Bible is not Worth Reading
17/05/2020 Duração: 01h01minThe editors of GQ Magazine have written an article disparaging the Bible by placing it on a list of 21 literary pieces that they say are not worth reading. Fox News religion contributor Father Jonathan Morris came to the defense of the Bible stating “Even if you don't believe this is an inspired word of God, in the last 50 years 3.9 billion have read the book."
Rev. Carlton Pearson – Gospel of Inclusion
10/05/2020 Duração: 01h31minThe notable Rev. Carlton Pearson recently appeared on CNN and discussed the Bishop Eddie Long debacle as well as the Gospel of Inclusion. In the, approximately nine minute long interview, the Rev. Pearson made some… let’s say very interesting points. Basically, he conveys that everyone can go to Heaven regardless of religious persuasion or sexual orientation.
Why Mother’s Day is Wicked
03/05/2020 Duração: 01h00sAll across the most powerful country in the world, men, women and children will give the most endearing honor to their Mothers on Mother’s Day. Mothers may be honored with various festivities including: greeting cards, flowers, gifts, lavish meals, money and more. Above all mothers will be honored with devoted attention. And just as with most holidays, these practices take place without serious consideration as to why. Why is Mother’s Day celebrated? Why is Mother’s Day not mentioned in the Holy Scriptures? Is Mother’s Day a new holiday or is it rooted in ancient practices?
The New Normal – Same-Sex Parent Families
26/04/2020 Duração: 01h30minWhat constitutes a family seems to be ever changing in the United States of America and around the world. The word family conjures and image of a man married to a woman with children together. That image is still typical. But you also have the divorced man and divorced woman with children from previous marriages. You know the Brady Bunch type that became the new normal in the 70’s. Then there was the proliferation of single parent families and now same-sex parent families have become the new normal. What are your thoughts on the new normal same-sex parent families? More importantly what does the scripture say regarding this most recent new-normal family type?
Parenting – Top Ten Rules
19/04/2020 Duração: 01h00sAs a parent or soon to be parent you want the best for your children. So you read books and publications by the most studied parenting experts. But wait…The experts don’t agree! Now you are confused! How do you decide on what to do and not do to appropriately mold your child into adulthood?
Isn’t Easter A New Kind of Passover?
12/04/2020 Duração: 01h30minEaster, even if not celebrated worldwide, is recognized as a religious holiday worldwide. Passover on the other hand is relatively unknown in many areas of the world. However, because Jesus is associated with both Easter and Passover, some people believe Easter is the new or reformed version of Passover. Do you want to know the truth about Easter and Passover? If so, tune in to our discussion in the Virtual Living Room of The Body of Christ Church.
Passover and The Feast of Unleavened Bread
05/04/2020 Duração: 01h29minHappy New Year! This is a phrase that is typically yelled out at the stroke of midnight on January 1st each year. It is odd to most people to hear this in the Month of April. However the evening of March 24, 2020, marked the New Year that has been given by God and heralded the coming of important and vital Holy Day Feasts. Among these feasts are Passover and The Feast of Unleavened Bread. You are invited to listen to our discussion of these Holy Feast Days.
Easter, Lent and other Wicked Holidays
29/03/2020 Duração: 01h30minEaster, one of the most widely observed holidays in the world is fast approaching. Many people that typically don’t attend church will attend on Easter. Many believe that Easter is the day that Jesus rose from the dead after dying for our sins. But is that the truth of Easter? Could there be another meaning? And what is the significance of the other holidays observed leading to Easter? Please listen in or call in to participate in discussion about Easter and other holidays of the season.
Where is Daddy?
22/03/2020 Duração: 01h28minThis program is all about fathers. It’s no secret many fathers are MIA (missing in action). This doesn’t necessarily mean they are not with their families but for whatever reason they are not filling the role of a father. This is especially true in the black community. But why are they MIA? BET’s Ed Gordon and other notable black men participated in a roundtable discussion on the subject. The transcript is in the June, 2010 issue of Ebony magazine. Listen in the Virtual Living Room, as this article is discussed from a scriptural perspective.
“Life Is Short, Have An Affair”, Ashley
15/03/2020 Duração: 01h29min“Life is short, have an affair” is the slogan of Not only does promote illicit affairs but also claims the affairs are healthy for marriages. We will explore Ashley Madison’s perspective on how affairs are healthy for marriages. Of course this perspective will be examined through the Holy Scriptures.
18 Year Old Girl Sues Parents
01/03/2020 Duração: 46minAn eighteen year old girl is suing her parents in a New Jersey court. The girl said the parents kicked her out of their home and refuses to provide any financial support although they are clearly able. The parents say she left on her own will because she didn’t want to follow their rules.
Can You Handle The Truth ? How Do We Stop The Murders In Our Cities :
25/02/2020 Duração: 01h29minHow do we stop the killings in our inner cities? This is one of the greatest questions being asked in our communities. Many of our political and religious leaders have tried to address this issue, and have failed. The rallies and marches continue to be unfruitful. The saddest part is that none of these religious leaders have attempted to address this issue from a biblical perspective, the bible has the solution to this serious problem. We welcome you to join us as we examine the scriptures to learn what GOD says concerning this issue, that is if you can handle the truth.
Lesbian Episcopal Clergy Marry Each Other
23/02/2020 Duração: 01h00sSame-sex marriage is a phrase that conjures quite a bit of contention. The contentions are subject to arise in any organization whether it is a family, workplace, the military or church. The Episcopal Church it seems has sided with same-sex marriage by allowing the marriage of two of their lesbian clergy members. Of course, this marriage has brought on contention. But why does the contention occur? Is there really something wrong with same-sex marriage? If there were something wrong with same-sex marriage don’t you think members of the clergy would know that?
Dad Jailed – Took Teen Daughter’s Phone
16/02/2020 Duração: 01h29minParents have you ever taken something from your child due to the child’s ill behavior? Would you think the police would ever get involved? I know you don’t and that’s exactly what one Dallas, Texas father thought. To his surprise he was arrested for taking his 12 year old daughter’s cell phone due to the daughter’s mis-behavior. If you think there is more to the story, of course you’re right. Those details will be revealed in the program. The twists and turns in this story will surprise you and may leave you appalled.
All About Marriage
09/02/2020 Duração: 02h00sWhether you are married or not married, marriage can vastly steer one’s life in one direction rather than another. Whether the children in your community have married parents is significant to how children are raised, the crime rate, the poverty level, education and so much more. Seeing the institution of marriage is so vital it makes sense to understand it. Listen in to gain an understanding of: how to prepare for marriage; how and who to marry; what it means to be a husband or wife and how a marriage ends.
Can You Handle The Truth ? Beware Of Idolatry !
04/02/2020 Duração: 02h30minJohn 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. We know that in today's world, some people will come right out and tell you that they worship the devil.We also have some people worshipping the devil, or doing things that pretain to devil worship, with absolutely no knowledge of what it is that they are doing; Idolatrous ceremonies and rites have even found there way into the christian church and modern society. We aslo have those that have knowledge of these things, and speak against them, but are still guilty of idolatry(devil worship).We're going to examine the Bible to show how these thing are being played out and what effects they have on the people of today's society. We would like for you to examine the scriptures with us, so you can judge for yourself and repent, that is, if you to are guilty of idolatry?
Illicit Sex – Many Faces Of “The Sugar Daddy”
26/01/2020 Duração: 01h01minShakespeare said, “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet” and the same applies to the term Sugar Daddy. No matter the term the meaning is still the same. Traditionally this is a rich usually middle-aged or old man who bestows expensive gifts on a young woman in return for companionship or sexual favors. Today, this relationship can be found in other combinations. Not just a rich old man and a young woman. The Sugar relationship can be found as a rich older woman and a young man. In fact, you name the gender combinations and you’ll be able to find a “Sugar Relationship” in the mix somewhere. These relationships appear to be mutually beneficial. Money exchanged for romance and companionship on some level. But does the benefit carry true substance or is it merely superficial? Do these relationships cause harm that most people don’t perceive? In other words what’s so bad about the Sugar Daddy?