Mind time

Escrito por Michael Chaskalson, mestre nas aplicações clínicas de mindfulness e Megan Reitz, professora de Liderança e Diálogo na Ashridge Executive Education, Mind Time traz...

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Mobile Times

Um resumo das notícias da última semana no mercado brasileiro de serviços e conteúdos móveis, publicadas no site especializado Mobile Time.

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Bapho Time

Toda semana as fofocas mais quentes dos famosos comentadas pelas manas Felipe, Wadan e Rafael

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Love Time

Pensando nos dias atuais, esse livro veio para falar do amor, pois só amor salva, só amor liberta, só o amor faz viver!

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Salvando um time

O futebol mexe com a emoção de milhões de pessoas no mundo. Na Inglaterra, um pequeno time chamado Dulwich Hamlet causou uma enorme comoção. Isso aconteceu após eles terem...

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Publications With Blue Marble Space Institute Of Science

Interviews with authors of BMSIS peer-reviewed publications

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Retro Space Time Podcast

A science history podcast sharing stories about how we know stuff

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Rthkteen Time - Open Space

Students join Alyson Hau to talk about hot topics amongst teenagers

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Space/time Cinema Show

The Space/Time Cinema Show is a weekly podcast (sometimes more than weekly) that is all about the joy of film fandom and filmmaking. Each week we start by going over the most...

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A.i.c Publications Podcast

We examine business, sociopolitical and economic empowerment methods to increase Black ownership in various platforms.

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