Weekly sermons and messages from the Chinese Christian Church of Thousand Oaks (CCCTO).
Prayer: The Cure for Selfishness
06/09/2015Pastor Peter Lee - Luke 22:39-46 Check back early in the week for discussion questions you can use with your Fellowship Group at:
Tough Times Ahead
30/08/2015Tim Ip - Luke 22:31-38 Check back early in the week for discussion questions you can use with your Fellowship Group at:
Servant Greatness
23/08/2015Pastor Peter Lee - Luke 22:24-30 Check back early in the week for discussion questions you can use with your Fellowship Group at:
Lord's Supper
16/08/2015Pastor Michael Weidman- Luke 22:7-23 Check back early in the week for discussion questions you can use with your Fellowship Group at:
Signs of the End Times
02/08/2015Pastor Michael Weidman- Luke 21:25-38 Check back early in the week for discussion questions you can use with your Fellowship Group at:
Beginning of the End
26/07/2015Pastor Michael Weidman- Luke 21:4-9 Check back early in the week for discussion questions you can use with your Fellowship Group at:
Widow's Offering
12/07/2015Pastor Michael Weidman- Luke 21:1-4 Check back early in the week for discussion questions you can use with your Fellowship Group at:
Ambitions of the Celebrity Pastor
05/07/2015Pastor Peter Lee- Luke 20:41-47 Check back early in the week for discussion questions you can use with your Fellowship Group at:
Boredom In Heaven--Pleasure In Hell? Misconstruing the Afterlife
28/06/2015Pastor Michael Weidman - Luke 20:27-40 Check back early in the week for discussion questions you can use with your Fellowship Group at: